Sunday, June 3, 2012

St. Svithuns Update

Been to St Svithun past couple weeks.  Looks like they've had slow progress on building and some scaffolding is down.  I've seen some workers there.  Took another collection at church today for the renovation fund.  I think they'll get there but it's slow going.  Their English-speaking congregations seems quite devoted.  When it's done I think the buildings will look fine too. 


  1. Good morning ( or afternoon)! Are services being held inside chuch now or still in other bldg? I'm anxious to know what St. Svithuns Looks like on the inside. Hope you're having a good weekend.

  2. Oh no it's still held in what appears to be a small auditorium. Very cramped. Not sure what inside of church looks like. Place is run rather sleepy I think, website doesn't appear updated in years either.
